any advice on how to ripen green tomatoes? does a warm windowsill or a brown paper bag work better? or is there a recipe you love using green tomatoes, other than fried green tomatoes?
I just leave them out on the counter in a bowl or bag and they will ripen. I found a recipe online once for green tomato salsa, but it was really vinegar-y and not so much like a salsa...
I started writing this blog because of a New Year's Resolution to keep up with technology and spend more time in reflection. I pray it blesses you as you read it, and gives you one more thing to be grateful for. I pray that I am always grateful, even when facing life's trials, because having a relationship with my God is enough to be grateful for.
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother and friend. I love my amazing husband and my often-frustrating children. God is so gracious to me!
I am a list-maker. I am not and never have been a morning person; if I ruled the world, nothing would start before 10 a.m. I like sun tea and all things dealing with food, especially the eating. :)
I can be totally obsessive about some things (like how the inside of my kitchen cupboards look) and completely unorganized with others (like being on time). My favorite color is brown and my favorite room in our house is my closet. I have a sunny window, hanging chandelier, comfy ottoman and framed art in there. Blissful!
You now know all the important things about me. The rest is just details.
I just leave them out on the counter in a bowl or bag and they will ripen. I found a recipe online once for green tomato salsa, but it was really vinegar-y and not so much like a salsa...